Will + Megan Lauseng

OH MY GOSH. This wedding guys—it was genuinely so, so beautiful! From the weather and the perfect snowfall to the couple themselves (along with their families)! I honestly was a little nervous because I had never done a December wedding before! But it blew me away, and part of it was this beautiful location!! Granite Springs Lodge in Alexandria, South Dakota! I have another wedding there in June of this year and I am really excited to see how it looks without all this snow!

The cool part about how Will and I connected is actually that we went to Europe together in 2019 when I was pregnant with my son! He was even on my bus (there were like 6 buses and 200 kids, so it gets a little crazy remembering everyone, ha). Blue bus all the way! ;) But anyways, had a great time and never thought I’d run into him again, let alone at my home church! We could not for the life of us figure out where we knew each other—we were bouncing ideas of what it could have been off of each other for a while during worship rehearsal, and then it finally clicked! Will was like, “Did you go to Europe?!” I answered back, “Yes! Was I pregnant?!” (I had been on that trip 3 times at this point so I had to figure out a way to differentiate the years, haha). He said back, “Yes! That’s it!” We caught up that night and a few times after when I would go back to my home church in Mitchell to play on worship team. It was so much fun running into him again, and so I was so excited to get the text asking if I would be his and Megan’s wedding photographer!!

Both Megan and Will are literally some of the nicest, most genuine people I have ever met in my life, and their families too! It is always such an honor to capture such a precious day in a couples’ life, but this one just hit close to home. I have never felt more welcome and have so many people thanking me for what I did that day! It was just a really, really fun day with the best couple!

Megan and Will (and their bridesmaids, groomsmen, families, and ring bearer and flower girl) braved the cold for a few of these shots—but it was SO worth it!

Megan and Will, I hope you guys LOVE these photos as much as I do!!! <3

P.S. I don’t normally post this much for a preview, even for a wedding. But I just could not choose my favorites because I love all of these for such different reasons! Especially this last one. <3

Congrats Mr. and Mrs. Lauseng!



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