Sam + Kassidy Paulson

Kassidy reached out to me back in September of last year, and she was soooooo nice! Her HUSBAND (so crazy to say!) and her met on her college basketball team! Maybe you can’t tell from these photos, but they are TALL, or at least to me they are. Haha! I met up with Kassidy and Sam to have coffee and chat more about their wedding day and just get to know them, and I honestly didn’t realize how tall they were until they stood up when we were leaving. It was too funny! They are so hospitable and genuinely so fun to be around, and I had such a great time photographing their special day!

You’d also never believe the weather that day!! It was pouring rain as I woke up, all the way to the venue (I drove 1 hour), and all morning long! Then it got ridiculously HOT, humid, and windy, and so we were all sweating like crazy. Kassidy was a great sport, but I was a little concerned because the one thing she was looking forward to the most were the sunset photos, and I was like ummmm…I don’t think you’re going to get those! But, by the grace of God, by the time her ceremony and dance came around and we snuck out for the sunset photos—it was GORGEOUS! She got her golden hour sunset photos and it was just the perfect ending to a crazy but beautiful day!

Also, that beautiful Chevelle? It’s her dad’s car, but the story behind it is so precious! Her dad, Jeremiah, restored the car when he was a young adult and shared the joy he had with it, through his son and two daughters, one being Kassidy. He would take them on rides and have them help him work on it too. It was something so special that she even used it in her senior pictures, and so it was so exciting he was able to get it fixed up for her wedding day too!

Kassidy and Sam, thank you again for letting me have the honor of capturing such a special day for you two! I hope you love these photos!

P.S. How about those golden hour photos?!

Also, a whisper in the ear something funny prompt is so perfect! The pure laughter and candid photos are so precious!



Will + Megan Lauseng