Why I love putting clients on the blog:

Every picture I take is so, so special to me. I truly am capturing life in every session that can never be recreated, and it’s always such an honor. But, if I put every single photo from every single session on my website, you’d be looking through photos for probably forever. ;)

So, with my blog, I am able to share more photos from the session without adding each one to my website pages individually, and my clients also get to see a bigger preview from their session as well!

Another reason I love it so much is because I get to share little snippets from the session, whether it’s a funny story, behind the scenes moment, or even just my favorite part of the session. I always leave a P.S. at the end of each blog and it’s just kind of my signature thing. :P

So, I hope you enjoy these beautiful people who have allowed me to capture a small moment in their life!

—Brooke (: