Austen + Courtney Kiser | Wedding

My gosh, I do not know if I have the words to describe my excitement about this wedding!! Courtney and I met when we toured Europe on a band trip in 2011 and remained good friends after! She even came to my Senior Clarinet Recital, which meant the world!! I was so sad when she moved south, but I knew she was going to do great things.

This wedding ya’ll—just absolute perfection. I absolutely LOVE weddings where I can see the bride and groom’s personality shine through, and when I went to take detail photos, she was like, “You’re gonna love this.” She showed me her garter and I was like, “Yep, see you in three hours! :P” But for real, I just truly believe a wedding day should SPEAK you and your personality, and that’s exactly what it did. (She understood the assignment for all my reel/tiktok lovers out there ;) ha)

Courtney and Austen, it was such an honor to be asked to fly out to Tennessee to capture your wedding day! I hope you enjoy these photos and remember the love on the incredible day you two became one before God!

P.S. I seriously cannot get enough of these two! They are so cute.

But here’s a few things you should know:

  1. Yes, that is her plane.

  2. Yes, she is a pilot.

  3. Yes, she did meet Austen while she was flying.

  4. Yes, he is an airplane mechanic.

  5. Yes, they did get married on an airstrip where planes were taking off and landing throughout the day.

  6. Yes, this is the cutest love story and wedding you’ve ever seen. You’re welcome.

Okay, I’m done now. ;)

—Brooke (:


Isaiah + Digit Trevino | Wedding


The Trevino Family